Unleash The Wrathborn Goddess!

As the Diwata Komiks team bid farewell to the entertainment phenomenon that is San Diego Comic-Con, the diversity-focused indie comics company finally opens up pre-orders for the anticipated follow-up to their debut title, Carmina: A Filipino-American Urban Mythology.

Photos: Diwata Komiks Chief Creative and Carmina Co-Creator/Co-Writer Mark Nazal speaking at panels for BIPOC, Indigenous, and LGBTQ+ diversity and representation at San Diego Comic-Con where advanced copies of The Wrathborn Goddess and Beginnings were presented as giveaways to attendees.

Carmina Issue #2: The Wrathborn Goddess takes place right after the events of Beginnings where readers will find the titular character at the breaking point of her traumatic life experience thereby activating her latent powers. Though it begs to question, at what cost to herself and the world around her? This issue debuts the series’ definitive visual style with pencils by Roland Amago and colors by award-winning Filipino comics artist/horror illustrator Kael Molo.

Carmina: The Wrathborn Goddess Cover

Carmina’s journey from awakening demigod to the wrath-born goddess is a provocative take on the Diwata mythology and a progressive story that weaves traditional Philippine folklore with urban Americana. It’s a dark tale with elements that depict immigrant and third-culture kid traumas set in a gritty backdrop on the rougher side of the American Southwest.

The Carmina series is written and created by Emmy-Award Winner Mark A.J. Nazal and Erica Juliet.


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